This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 06:52 PM 9/20/99 -0700, you wrote:
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Julia Will's report about the board meeting indicates that the evaluation is
still "up in the air" for 2000 (though there will be one, somewhere). Does
anyone know whether the Turlock evaluation is On, Off or Maybe at this point?

Here is Julie's comment on the Evaluation:

The NFHR Board of Directors had a very productive phone conference on
Wednesday.  Several key decisions regarding the evaluation program were
made which will be published in the minutes on the NFHR web site shortly.
Everyone can rest assured that there WILL be evaluations in 2000, and the
program will continue to move ahead in a positive manner.

How did you read

"that the evaluation is still "up in the air" for 2000 (though there will be one, somewhere)."

From the quote of Julie's?



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

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