This message is from: "cnielsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

hi list- I was at villa Louis, it was a great show. the mystery tandem was
Susan keating with her older fjord geldings. the horse with the long mane
was liesl Thomas with a mare that I heard was a full sister to kanada
king.they both did a great job!
randi Nielsen
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 1999 2:49 PM
Subject: Mystery Tandoms? Long mane? Winers*

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> HI-
> Do you know who that was who had a tandem of Fjords at Prairie du Chein
> last weekend?  They did an excellent job, especially in the cross-country
> class.
> There was also a gal with a single Fjord, with a natural mane.  It was
> beautiful - multi-colored and thick and shiney.  Do very many people keep
> the mane natural?  I had never seen one before.
> Al
> ********************
>    Hi  List from beautiful, sunny Utah....about 74* breezy, perfect
> weather !
>    Got this note from a friend on my Draft Horse List....does anyone know
> this is???  also the Fjord showing with the long flowing mane??? wow......
>   Wanted to refrain from commenting on the latest posts, wining about how
> allow un-topic like posts.....but CANT, LOL  even slept on it first.   ;
>   Im not as diplomatic or as well written as some, including the winer. I
> liked the part though about getting a new list.....and I say GO FOR IT.
> fun, see ya later, leave the friendly one alone. Sorry if I am not " too
> tolerant "  of a first time post, pointing out just whats wrong here, and
> offering to fix it....I have learned way too much here, gotten to know
> of good Fjord owners, and met alot of you either at the shows or the chat.
> Why fix something if it aint broke?   Sorry Brian, I like to stick up for
> guy down too, BUT these last 2 took the cake, litter box, poop pile,
> whatever.  DO let us know, however if you get another list going, so we
> forward all newbies who dont like the friendly format here to you.
>    Have to run clean more stalls now....<BG>     At least I still have my
> boots on !   So glad to hear the posts from the Libby show....really
> going there this year !   Lisa Pedersen   Cedar City, Ut.

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