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Do you know who that was who had a tandem of Fjords at Prairie du Chein
last weekend?  They did an excellent job, especially in the cross-country
There was also a gal with a single Fjord, with a natural mane.  It was
beautiful - multi-colored and thick and shiney.  Do very many people keep
the mane natural?  I had never seen one before.
   Hi  List from beautiful, sunny Utah....about 74* breezy, perfect driving 
weather !

   Got this note from a friend on my Draft Horse List....does anyone know who 
this is???  also the Fjord showing with the long flowing mane??? wow......

  Wanted to refrain from commenting on the latest posts, wining about how we 
allow un-topic like posts.....but CANT, LOL  even slept on it first.   ;   (
  Im not as diplomatic or as well written as some, including the winer. I 
liked the part though about getting a new list.....and I say GO FOR IT.  Have 
fun, see ya later, leave the friendly one alone. Sorry if I am not " too 
tolerant "  of a first time post, pointing out just whats wrong here, and 
offering to fix it....I have learned way too much here, gotten to know TONS 
of good Fjord owners, and met alot of you either at the shows or the chat. 
Why fix something if it aint broke?   Sorry Brian, I like to stick up for the 
guy down too, BUT these last 2 took the cake, litter box, poop pile, 
whatever.  DO let us know, however if you get another list going, so we can 
forward all newbies who dont like the friendly format here to you. 

   Have to run clean more stalls now....<BG>     At least I still have my 
boots on !   So glad to hear the posts from the Libby show....really missed 
going there this year !   Lisa Pedersen   Cedar City, Ut.

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