This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

While Steve  had fun at Libby, Tank and I continued to get ready for our first
CDE on Oct. 2-3 in Kansas City. This is occupying much of my time and thoughts -
to the neglect of many other things I should be doing. But this has been my
dream for a long time and we are close to finally doing it!  I have been going
out to the barn early mornings to condition and school Tank. Sunrise is getting
later and later. When my boss returns tomorrow I have to renegotiate with her to
leave work early instead of coming in late until after the CDE.

Saturday we went out to a driving oriented barn and drove some flatter roads for
a change. We are so  hilly around my barn that while it is good for
conditioning, I thought Tank might just enjoy some flat work. We went out with
two other drivers and drove seven miiles. The weather was gorgeous. Sunday, Tank
and I were joined by the other Fjord owners in town. Amy White brought over
Torden and we did a trail ride in the nearby recreational area.  Another
gorgeous day! It was really neat to be riding with another Fjord. We ran into
one horse on the trail who was terrified by the Fjords! You could just see her
thinking, " What are those those weird beasties!-they can't be horses." I have
had that reaction occassionally from other horses - anyone else?

Saskia, welcome back! To those who have animals in Floyd's path, my thoughts are
with you & good luck! Steve finally let me know he was alive last night and had
enjoyed Libby. I hope he brings me back some suitable souvenir or I will  have
to whine a lot (not that it does much good with Steve!)

I don't want to talk about dogs right now - we have FLEAS! and the schnuazer is
allergic to them. That is how I spent the rest of my weekend.

As my Brit friends say, Cheers!,

Cynthia Madden
Omaha, Nebraska USA

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