This message is from: "carl and sarah nagel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Today our family sadly said goodbye to our beautiful Fjord mare June

She had been sick for the last 3 weeks with COPD/heaves and also had
pneumonia.  After the pneumonia cleared, the heaves did not respond to
the drug treatments and she was laboring for each breath.  Together with
our vet, we decided it was best to put her down.

June was 25 years old, a very loving and gentle horse.  As my 7 year old
daughter led her into the trailer today, June touched the top of Amy's
head with her nose.  She was one of the best and we loved her.   Our
only regret is that we didn't get more time with her.  June will be
fondly remembered.

Any of you out there who knew June or have one of her offspring (she
contributed 14 registered foals to the breed), please let us hear your

She was a noble and hard working gal.  And if you ever saw her legs, you
would know that she was "Queen of the Zebra Stripes".

We will miss her.

Sarah Nagel and family in Northern Idaho

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