This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Brian, I think your remarks on evaluation are right on! I also sympathize with
those who feel that they would at least like to do a conformation evaluation
only, but please don't forget the importance of the performance portion. Should
I decide to start a breeding operation (if I ever win the lottery), I would
consider the performance of any stock  (and its offspring) just as important as
the conformation. As pretty horse that can't perform is  useless in propogating
the breed as far as I am concerned - just look what having *halter* horses and
*performance* horses has done to quarter horses .Isn't it criminal that this
wonderful breed has become such a bad example of horse breeding practices in
this country,  I grew up on quarter horses and now also own an old fashioned

Tank - the wonder horse
Tank and I had two very nice drives this weekend. He has matured so much this
year (he is now 7). One of our major goals for the summer was the standing
ordeal and he has learned now to stand so that I just drop his lead and he will
stand while I groom and harness him. (Of course, I am careful to stand him where
grass is not very available - I don't want to push my luck too far). Still, I am
very pleased by finally getting him to stand well. His performance out on the
road is outstanding. He is getting more fit and more eager and really seems to
enjoy road work. I know I may have pushed  him a little to far when he stops and
cranes his neck around to stare at me somewhat accusingly - but he didn't do
that this weekend. We are preparing for some pleasure shows and hope to go the
Kansas City CDE in October. He doesn't like schooling much, but I am trying to
be more persistent.

Show programs:
It is more trouble to put breeding information on a show program for those who
do this volunteer work,  but it is done at some shows. I also wouldn't mind a
list  the names and addresses of those people who are showing.

Cynthia Madden
Omaha, Nebraska USA

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