This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Joe and Denise if you want to learn more about pleasure and competitive driving
join the American Driving Society and find the  driving clubs in your area. The
ADS promotes carriage driving and education. When you join you get a very
informative book that tells you all the rules and traditions in driving. An area
driving club will prove exceptionally helpful in preparing you to show anywhere
including Libby and Turlock. Attending driving clinics when available will
provide great learning experiences. I have gone to three just this summer and
found them all informative.

I would also highly recommend Heike Bean's excellent book:
*Carriage Driving by Sarah Blanchard and Heike Bean
This book approaches the step by step training emphasizing the importance of
comfort and
relaxation of the animal throughout. While a dressage perspective is maintained,
 this is a book
on general training, covering bits and bitting, selecting the correct carriage,
ground work,
putting to, etc.
247 pages. Hardcover. $30.00

The ADS web site is:

Good luck!

Cynthia Madden
Omaha, Nebraska USA

  • Classes Joe & Denise Galbraith
    • Re: Classes Karen McCarthy
    • RE: Classes Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/UNEBR

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