This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"I'm disappointed you feel you can't name these horses and their bloodlines.As a breeder, I'm VERY interested in knowing everything about the really good Fjords..." Carol Rivoire
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Well Carol, one of the reasons I didn't want to declare the names and bloodlines of these horses is the obvious one, which you overlooked, namely I don't want to be accused of too much self promotion, which I guess in "your book" is no big deal, rather par. OK ? ... :)

The other reason I felt that it wasn't worth mentioning is that one of the horses as I said, is not mine, and I didn't want it to seem (to the owner at least), that I was taking liberties bantering her mare's name about for my own benefit.

Lastly, if I told you the name of the horse I own, a stallion, and
his pedigree, you proably wouldn't think too much of it anyway, as he is King Harald bred, and probably a dime a dozen in your book; not of the trendy, imported breeding so in vogue at the moment, that you
so heartily promote.

And finally...the point I was trying to make, was that I,(personally)
have found some of the better and more competitive fjords to be of the average or normal height range. If I did more draft oriented/ hitch work, perhaps I would appreciate the larger bodied horses more. But as long as I spend time on their backs, I want something underneath me that goes forward, is balanced and agile. I am selling a well broke little gelding to a very nice older woman in Bend, Or. He's only 13.2, but what a chunk! A real ATV. I have never felt underhorsed with him, and, bonus!, he's an excellent logger. (BTW,He's a mix of old "AFS" and new, imported blood.

I'll have my cake and eat it too, AND I'll glue my nose back on with the icing! (Preferably a meringue buttercream :] neigh,whinney! )

Cheers, Karen

PS One of my fjordhorse "heroes" is Rusten, Chip Lamb's game little stallion in N. Idaho. I have a snippet of video from Libby eons ago ('90?) of Rusten and Chip doing the single weight pull. Awesome! Does anyone remember seeing this horse in action? Something to talk about...

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