This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/6/99 4:44:34 Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< I myself  don't think that the teenagers of today are any weaker than they 
were 50 or  100 years ago.  >>

Amen!  I read the line about "soft" teenagers and laughed!  Thinking of my 
nephew.  15 years old, and out there after school and weekends, working like 
a man.  He takes after his father, and my father.  Loves the sea.  His 
favorite Christmas presents are fishing rods.  He works on a boat that takes 
weekend fishermen out, helps them fish, and cleans up after them.  His 
description of cleaning up after a barricuda fishing day is priceless!!!  
Then he does his roller hockey thing (and he's quite good).  Helps maintain 
the house.  A good kid.  Strong.  

Oh my, and so many others that I know.  Though I work with Special Needs 
kids, I do get out into the rest of the world and see strength, kindness 
abounding with today's youth.  Especially the young horsepeople (who by the 
way have fallen in love with fjords after seeing Juniper!).

And if you want to see strong fjords, drop by Lisa Pedersen's!!!!  She has 
SHAMED me!  Those horses are fit, healthy, happy.  I SWEAR one of them smiled 
at me! <g>.  And her workout regime.... sigh.....  I came home, looked at my 
horses and told them the party was over!


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