This message is from: "Mark and Lisa K. McGinley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey Joel,

Since I'm one of the ones that bred a mare to a "Big Gray" (Actually I think
he's 14 / 2 hh) I feel I have to respond to your post.  The mare in question
is 6 years old and we chose a gray for his quality not his color.  The odds
of ending up with a gray foal are so small it just didn't factor in the
cross.  I think the first thing we liked most about the stallion was his
conformation.  He compliments our mare.  She is slightly "heavy footed" and
he seemed to float.  Next we liked his attitude.  He's not a wild stallion.
We also considered size and he fit the bill there too.

Just thought I'd put my 2 cents in.

Mark McGinley
Mariposa Farm
Washburn, WI

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