This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Thursday, July 29, 1999, you wrote:

> I'm sure you will hear many "How Hot" stories from the rest of the
> folks attending the show.

  Hot is relative. We kept telling people, (and ourselves), that it
  was actually cooler in Blue Earth than it had been in Omaha the
  previous week. Then we arrived home to a heat index of 117 degrees
  Fahrenheit. The horses are certainly _not_ happy here.

  It was great to see old friends again and be able to put some faces
  with acquaintances made on the list during the past year. The help
  of people like the Ofjords, the Falcks, Janet Voeltz and Lisa
  Pederson and others who arrived without horses sure made things
  easier for those of us who brought beasties. It was also great to be
  able to meet Storrs Bishop and Keith Brighton and offer some input
  directly to the BOD.

  Hopefully, more later along with some new pictures for the Web site.

Steve McIlree & Cynthia Madden -- Pferd, Keyah, Skipper, Tank -- Omaha, 
Nebraska, USA
  Men are better when riding, more just and more understanding, and more alert
  and more at ease... --Edward Plantagenet(1373-1413)

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