This message is from: Carolyn Dumong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Laurie Pittman wrote:
> This message is from: "Laurie Pittman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    I have a mystery here folks, maybe some of you can help. Tor has been
> coming in from the pasture lately with his nose covered in something
> black and tacky feeling. It is also on the guard hairs under his jaw
> (looks like the hair has been coated with mascara). I'm also seeing it
> on the hair above his hooves and his feet look like they have hoof black
> on them. With a little work it will wash off. I've walked the field
> looking for something that might have been thrown into the pasture, but
> found nothing. Tor has been in this field for almost 5 years and I've
> had other horses in this field for more than 15 years and I've never
> seen this before. Until today Copper was not showing any sign of this
> black stuff, but this morning I found it on him too, although not near
> as much. If I hadn't been looking for it I don't think I would have
> noticed it. He is kept in a different section of this field.
>    There was no sign of this stuff while Tor was being kept in the diet
> pen. It didn't start showing up until he started getting time on the
> pasture again. If it's a plant growing in the field (I'm pretty sure it
> is), I have no idea which one. I've been taking different plants and
> rubbing them on my hands, but no black stuff. I haven't noticed any on
> my shoes or pants after walking the field either. There are a couple of
> alders in the field that I've never seen them bother, and a wild rose
> bush that Tor sometimes uses to scratch on. Anyone have any ideas?
>    On another note, I've noticed that Tor is wearing down the front of
> his two upper middle teeth. I'm assuming that this is from micro
> managing his diet pen. What can I do about this! I can't just let him
> have the pasture all the time.
>    Any thoughts on any either of these problems would really be
> appreciated. Thanks.
> Laurie in NW Washington
Laurie, I have had a similar thing happen here in Florida with
Daisy..but it has been pine sap..very dark brown sticky, tarry substance
that she gets on her to impossible to get off short of
cutting it off. Do you have pine trees on your property?

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