This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Although our Herbie isn't a Fjord, he's a pinto pony (13.2H), I wanted to 
tell you about him.  Herbie came to us as very shaggy old and tired pony.  I 
knew little about horses and was told he was around 20.  Well, after the vet 
looked at him his age advanced 10 years.  This year we figure he'll be 33 
years old.  

At first we thought Herbie was a Baskir Curly.  His hair was so long and 
curly.  However, he would not shed out.  Because I purchased a Fjord from 
Julie Will, she allowed me to move Herbie to her farm temporarily.  Well, 
during that winter he became very ill and had a terrible runny nose.  The vet 
was ready to put him down, but with the help of Julie and my computer we 
assisted the vet with a diagnosis.
Herbie has Cushings Disease.  Well, Herbie has been on pergolide for over a 
year and is new pony.  His coat is smooth, soft, healthy, and short.  He shed 
it himself.  His eyes are bright and sparkling, not the Eeyore sad eyes he 
once had.  He is a happy man at almost 33 years old!  

Hope my two Fjords live as long and feel as content as he does at his age!  
Pat McCurdy
Cato, N.Y.

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