This message is from: Mike and Casey Rogillio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This message is from: Cathey Magill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Someone posted some information on this subject awhile ago and I meant
>to print it out but forgot.  My horse has been rubbing his tail for the
>past year and now the top is completely bald.  We've tried everything.
>He's wormed every two months so we couldn't see it being that.  We did
>think it was boredom but someone mentioned in their post about tiny
>mites or sometimes.  If anyone can forward me that info, it would be
>greatly appreciated :)

I saw Tyr backing up to his corner-style feeder on the fence and
commence to rubbing and scratching for about 3 minutes the other day. He
too, is wormed regularly, but there's gotta be something going on
there.  He'll also back right up to the chain-link portion of the fence
and rub, causing my posts to bend in and me great frustration.  Who
wants a leaning fence?!

So please, if you've got recommendations or answers, post them on the
list or share them with me too at 


Thanks - Casey

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