This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur  Rivoire)

Hello All from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

I loved Mike's latest hilarious posting about the Dressage Queens (DQs),
Natural Horsemanship people (NH), and Hunter Jumpers (HJs).  I roared.  I
copied it.  I'm passing it around.  It was precious!  ---  So, how come
Mike, along with the person who wrote it, feels compelled to post WARNINGS
for overly sensitive readers.  The author even begged that she not receive
hate mail?

  Frankly, I wouldn't think twice about posting something that obviously
humourous and tongue in cheek, and wouldn't dream of issueing a WARNING.
And if anybody took offence, why I'd laugh at them for being so silly.  Am
I an insensitive person, or just old fashioned?  

Regards,  Carol Rivoire 

>This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I got this in another mailing list and thought you all might get a kick out 
>of it.  It pokes fun at a lot of different things so if your sensitive 
>about any of this just skip it and go on to the next message right now.  I 
>really don't think many Fjord folks are like this though.  Which is why I 
>am here with all of you.
Carol and Arthur Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7 Pomquet
Antigonish County
Nova Scotia
B2G 2L4
902 386 2304

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