This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 7/9/99 20:18:23 Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<<  I pull from several sites and do not  try to pull the required 50-100 
hairs from one site.  None were delighted  with me, but were stoic about it. 

Since it's finally nice and hot in Oregon, I think today I'll give Skylark a 
nice bath.  And a very good grooming session as she dries.  Then in the midst 
of the grooming session I'll pluck a few here, a few there and she'll just 
think it's part of her grooming.

Thank you all for your responses and help.  I never had to do this with my 
arabs, qhs and tbs.  So I was at a complete loss when I got my DNA test kit.  
Now I have some sort of a clue how to do this today.


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