This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 6/25/99 10:32:11 Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<<   Please give me some response on the idea of these chats, even if it    
is that you could care less about what the candidates think. I am  bewildered 
by the total silence on this proposal.   >>

Such a good idea, and we didn't respond!!!  Sorry.  I'll try to make it to a 
candidate chat, even if it means missing the X-Files this week (Lisa, forgive 
me <g>).  I "think" I know who my vote is going to, from what the candidates 
had to say about themselves on the sheet that came with the ballot.  But they 
all sounded pretty good, and concerned with the future of the breed.  It 
would be a great thing to be able to pick their brains a little bit more.


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