This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 6/25/99 6:58:37 Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< If there is anything  i need to do other than iodine on the cord stump,  
 me know  guys,  This is our first one.  He hasnt nursed yet and its been two 
 hours,  im a little concerned about that,  but I will go out now and work on 
 that >>

First, congratulations!  Fjord babies are the best!  I'm sure someone else 
will come on and tell you a lot of the same, but make sure the placenta is 
all there.  If you can get a vet to come out, save it in a bucket of water 
for him to go over, otherwise, (don't know how far away from things you are 
in your part of Montana) go over it bit by bit and be certain that there is 
nothing left in the mare.  If so, could be major infection brewing.  Also, if 
you have the vet around, later in the day, have him draw blood and check for 
antibody levels.  If your baby hasn't had enough colostrum, there is a 
limited window that you have to get the colostrum in there.  

Probably by now your foal has nursed?  Yes? If not, try milking just a little 
out of the mare, rubbing it on her bag, a little on your fingers, and help 
guide the baby there.  Usually once they get a taste, you're out of the 
woods.  The vet also checks for cleft palate on a routine basis, and gives 
some couple of injections the first day.

That's all I can think of now, but I know others will fill you in on more.  
In the meantime, enjoy your baby!


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