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Oh, my, aren't we all so much wiser than when we were young, when we thought 
we knew it all. When I was a kid, I wouldn't be seen dead in a hard hat 
unless forced by show rules or whatever.  Now, many years and wrecks later, 
"being seen dead without one" seems like a real possibility!
        I was a little dismayed at Equitana to find some of the most popular 
teachers (notably Pat Parelli) who rode with no hard hat, as well as having a 
couple dozen students there with no hat either.  I realize he is a "cowboy" 
and they just don't - but he is also a role model for all of those folks 
there watching him.  Seems like he could make an exception for the sake of 
teaching safety - it's such a simple thing, but would be a meaningful gesture 
to all those there who admire him.  
        Not to criticize Mr. Parelli - I was very impressed with his demo.  
Anyone who can get such consistant results with his own horses as well as 
student-trained horses is doing something right.

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