This message is from: "Dave McWethy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Were there any Fjords doing a demonstration of dressage at Equitana?

There wasn't a demo of dressage as such.  In the drills, the horses were
certainly ridden with skill showing they were capable of dressage.  The
horses we had were ones that were well trained, and riders such as Nikki,
Jennifer and Emily are skilled with a lot of experience in showing.  And 12
year old Krystal looked great too.  Lindsay and Ceacy are veterans of expo
work, and skilled drivers.  There was just a depth of competence that made
the whole thing easy.  We have at times criticized ourselves within the
breed being satisified with an amateur effort in showing the horses.  Not
the case at Equitana.  It was very easy to join such a group and work
together to best show off our breed.

Something that was on my mind going there was the speculation I had heard
over the years that the folks going would use the opportunity to promote
their own horses for sale.  If that happened last week, I never saw it.
What I saw was a selfless effort on behalf of the breed in general.  Some of
us - me, Nikki, the Howards, and maybe more at the moment don't even own any
horses we're selling.

I can't speak for others, but I always asked folks where they were from, and
if they were looking for a horse I would mention breeders I knew of in that
area.  I can't remember talking to anyone from my own region.

Another thing that I noted was the constant effort to get exposure of
Fjords.  Dick and Lindsay worked hard at this behind-the-scenes effort.  One
example was that Lindsay made the connection to have Jennifer's horse used
in a harness demo every day.  Dick worked on cementing our good relation
with John Lyons.  Did I mention he bought 10 raffle tickets?  Does anyone
notice when John Lyons takes an interest in Fjords?  This sort of quiet
promotional effort is formidable.

In the Mane Event, they had a "race" between Aaron Vale and Chester Weber,
both national champions in their disciplines.  Aaron jumped jumps and
Chester raced a pair through a cones course.  They did it three times, which
was too much, and a little flat as a performance.  Dick got the idea that we
should challenge Chester to a race, using my team of four (actually, the
wheelers were Dick's).  I said to him, "Naah, Chester wouldn't share the
spotlight."  Dick was undeterred, and spoke to Chester, who thought it was a
great idea.  Then Aaron, who also was in favor.  All it took was approval
from the event manager, but it was too late to get that to happen.  Maybe
next year.

I should add that I had no expectation of upsetting the champions.  This is
not really a competition, it's entertainment and promotion.  The story is
just an example of Dick's outrageous chutzpah.

We were there working non-stop for all of you.  And, I had a good time, I
admit it!

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