This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>     I am reporting this with permission of Ann Stifel, Holunder's owner
>here in Gloucester, VA, 
>to send prayers and encouraging thoughts to help Holunder heal.
>     Holunder and their three year old
>stallion by Holunder got loose together in a pasture. He was able to get
>the horses separated, but Holunder got a large rip in his flank by a
>metal gate.    now his feet are showing signs of soreness, and the
>discussed the possibility of laminitis due to an infection
so please help Holunder with your
>thoughts of speedy healing.

I'm wondering if there's been any word on Holunder? Does anyone know how
that turned out? Sure hope he's okay. Ruthie Bushnell, NW MT

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