This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 3/25/01 10:18:50 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

<< BTW, I also tie them up until I'm
 done being mad at them.  A trainer I really like that helps me out
 always ties up his "trainee's" for 1/2 hour after their daily lesson.
 He's convinced it makes them a better horse and less barn sour.

  Thanks Nancy for the encouraging words !  Somehow I missed your geldings 
blow out at BE last year, thanks for pointing it out to me....<VBG>  We also, 
upon return from riding or driving, lightly work ours after a few swallows of 
water, then tie up for awhile...sometimes an hour or so. No putting back in 
for pets, food and freedom makes for nice uneventful walks home with loose 
lines. I also have a super training tip for those whos horses come home 
stronger, jigging, pulling, ducking and diving to get home quicker....ask and 
you shall recieve.       Lisa   *  also works for those who go out 
sloooooooow and ducking or weaving their way out....

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