This message is from: Storme Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > i'm asking about your trick for horses who come home jigging,etc - have an > app/arab gelding that is wonderful except for this trait - > > mary harvey > virginia
Yes......never ever let him get away with it. Each time you go out make sure you have enough time and do not need to rush back. Every time he starts to jig immediately put him in the circles until he gives in (stops pulling away). You must do this every time...soon he will not ever jig again. I know my riding partner has an Arab/Saddle bred gelding who used to jig.....but we spent many many hours on the trail doing circles and training with paid off, he no longer jigs. Be consistent, and make sure you have the time to do the training before you go out, and the proper clothing. We would go out for a quick little 2 hour trail ride, and it would end up being 3-4 hours because of training in the beginning....and since Seattle can have every type of weather in a day, I would start off with a t-shirt and end up with my coat and hat. Good luck! Storme