This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Pat from Green Valley farm wrote:

"...If I did not create a "whole picture" description - and "whole picture" justification for this guy to be kept intact until proven otherwise - then I do not know what else I can say to create that "whole picture".

Dear Pat,

Pardon me if I stepped on your toes here, really. From the tone of your post, I am assuming I did, and for that I do apologise. I was simply focusing on the terminology used to describe an obviously nice head. I was attempting to define the colloquial term "doll head", and specifically the importance that is placed on it, sometimes to the exclusion of all other (good & bad) characteristics a horse possesses, and how that has ultimately led, along with other factors, to the demise of many good breeds of horses.

Also,I cannot really remember,(as I delete most of my emails promptly) but, I think someone did want to know what the term meant, and maybe I got a bit carried away. ...But, if I wanted to get even more carried away, I could comment on your description of his legs as being: "very clean, fine legs". You have mentioned an attribute,(fine legs) that when applied to Fjordhorses, is seen as a negative, not a positive.(Does fine = substantial?) Many traditionalists, myself included, would have no use for legs like that - on a Fjord. On a Arab or TB, OK. (JMO) ...However, to each his own, and like you said, the decision is in the (Evaluation) pudding.

Karen McCarthy
Great Basin Fjords
Carson City, NV

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