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On Mon, 5 Mar 2001 20:42:53 -0800 "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Steve regarding your contacts and information at the Expo.  Did you
> advertise for certain breeders or sellers? 

Yes, we had several breeders send us their brochures/business cards.  All
but a few were left after the expo was over.  Also, we directed them to
the NFHR website to find a breeder in their area.

If so don't you think 
> this is a
> great way for them to get "out there" and sell?  

I would think so.  You can reach so many more people this way.

Wouldn't this 
> encourage
> more people to seek out the breeders and sellers to help defray show 
> costs
> and breeders and sellers to deduct advertising expenses?   Jean

I think it is a good symbiotic relationship! 

We also handed out many of the new NFHR brochures.  For those of you that
haven't seen them yet, they are very well done!


Steve and Amy White
Prairieholm Farm
Waterloo, Nebraska

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