This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 3/2/01 5:17:45 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

<< Anyway I defer to your experience and will try when the next one hits, 
 we are fatalistically anticipating, to be in a safe place.

  Studying Maslows Higharchy of needs in Psych. he points out that theres a 
reflex that people do, to make sure of their surroundings. When you enter a 
new place, he believed that after the split second to insure air, space, even 
bathroom <g>, people then looked for a way out, an escape.  Now Im sure that 
Jean, you will be looking for plexi-glass and oak desks to harbor under, 
instead of that restroom.  Maslow ( like most head shrinks ) was a bit of a 
nut case anyway. Self-actualization was at the top of his stupid pyramid, and 
I hear that he feels that he himself never reached it either.   Who would 
want to be perfect anyway ? How totally boring.    Lisa  ;  /

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