This message is from: Fiona Nicholson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Merek

well of course Im no expert but Im keeping an eye on the British Horse
Society web site for updates re Horses and MAFF (ministry of
Agriculture Fisheries and Food) for the rest and the army are not
killing every animal in sight , The MAFF are only at those farms that
have tested positive and then they test all animals with in a 5 or 10
mile exclusion zone according to the MAFF site only cloven hoof
animals suffer from it (sheep, pigs, goats and cattle)and in wild
amimals(the type we have ) Deer , which apparently are very
susceptible to it and can die from it. Hedgehogs , rats and very
strangely the list said Elephants! They are not putting horses down
but people have been asked not to ride out, hunting has stopped racing
every thing their is a national ban on the moving of all live stock,
as a big problem is this very infectious virus can be spread by lorry
tires , our shoes, horses shoes , cats , dogs ,even my bike tires

The National Trust have closed all there Deer parks, as have the big
parks in london, this evening they closed Dartmoor national park as it
has a big deer population and is not so far from one of the farms that
has been found to have FMD unfortunately that farm in Devon is a big
exporter in Europe, so many places in Europe are also taking

if your place is found to have it the MAFF will put down every animal
that can get FMD and the owner will get compensation later, its so
infectious its the only way to stop it

you can find out more at or The British Horse Society
at (look under latest news)

in Yorkshire, England


> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  OK, question here. Friend in the UK says that if foot-and-mouth is found in
> an area or on a facility, the Army kills ALL animals on the scene, even if it
> would be a fancy English riding stable. Horses and all get the chop. Given
> that they are not susceptible, but can only carry it physically, meaning they
> could be quarantined or disinfected, this seems unreasonable. Of course, in
> the UK, they don't own guns and could not offer resistance to the soldiers,
> as we could here under such circumstances. Anyone know for sure what the
> practice is here and in the UK to deal with such a situation. I could see a
> major uprising if a stable owner was told his whole herd was to be killed
> over a disease they can't even get. Comments? Merek

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