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You don't need any guns, just some high priced lawyers.

Since we don't have hoof and mouth in the US, this is hypothetical, but I
think if a case were found the gov't would try and make you put your
animals down.  Especially since we don't have it here and they would try
to eradicate it as quickly as possible.  No, the horse wouldn't be sick
but they want to control the spread.

However, I know of an EIA case where a farm had a positive coggins test
on a horse.  The feds came in and tried to make them put the horse down. 
The owner was a lawyer though and threatened a court battle and got them
to back down.  The horse was allowed to live but they couldn't ever take
it anywhere.

When I lived in Illinois there was a dairy farm that came down with
Brucellosis.  All the animals on the farm had to be killed INCLUDING THE


Steve and Amy White
Prairieholm Farm
Waterloo, Nebraska

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