This message is from: "Patryjak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>or have someone else who spins make the yarn for you...

Mary when you spin... don't you get dizzy? (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
I wondered about spinning fjord fluff..thought it might not be long enought
fibers...(but I don't spin anyway.. makes me dizzy.)

Since a former roommate was a felter, and the technique is similar to
papermaking, Jer and I are considering an attempt at felting.(In all our
spare time...haha) Will let you know how that works...or not. Fjord fuzz
saddle pads?
If not, I may just restuff my ratty barn jacket...smells horsey anyway.

Dryer lint....also makes very nice handmade paper, especially if it's mostly

Yes, the birds do get their share...I have a beautiful tiny nest, extremely
delicate, made almost entirely out of chestnut QH mane hair. We think it
might even be a hummingbird nest it's so fine and miniature. No longer have
the QH, so have two keepsakes in one.
(We found the nest in the yard after a summer did not evict

Betsy in Sunny Michigan...
back out to collect more fuzz...gotta make fuzz while the sunshines, Mira.

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