This message is from: John and Martie Bolinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

When I was first calling around about a Fjord to buy (before Kilar),
most of the ones advertised locally (within 300 miles) were smaller. I
was willing to take anything over 13.2 but needed something well
trained and with lots of experience and most of them were either
riding or driving but not both. At that time I thought that most
Fjords were in the 13-13.3 range. Since getting Kilar, I have seen
lots of bigger Fjords. He is a nice 14.0 barefoot. And I still use a
mounting block around the barn because it is easier on both of us than
having me tug at the saddle to get on. He was a little confused about
it when I got him - would turn to face me whenever I stood on the
block, but he caught on quick.

Martie in MD

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: the Fjords are being bred

> increasingly taller (it would be interesting to see the average
> height over the years, but I was originally looking for a Fjord on
> the low end of the breed "average" and couldn't find ANY less than
> 14 or 14.2 hands, and I've only seen two or three listed for sale
> since then, while there've been plenty of 14 to 15+ hand ones)."

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