This message is from: "Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I support PLAN #1

But (and its a big one) here are my thoughts on #2:

> (#2 PLAN) - All stallions must have vet certification for
> teeth & testicles or their offspring cannot be registered.

When I bought my rare breed (in America anyway) Cavalier King Charles
Spaniel, the Cavalier registry had two classifications for the
puppies: Pet or Breed

Pet Quality - Registered as such and can NOT be bred. Most reputable
breeders will have you sign an agreement. They are also cheaper to
buy. You can own the breed you love without the high cost. The
offspring of this animal are not registerable. Yes, puppy mills bred
them anyway, and a renegade group broke off the main group because
they wanted to breed their cheaply bought PET quality bitches. But in
the dog world there is only one recognizable registry for the
breed...the one with standards.

Breed Quality - Offspring was fully registerable. It was based on the
honor system quite a bit, just as we are in the fjord world. Cost is
higher than a pet quality.

I have seen some glaringly apparent faults that degrade the quality of
the fjord as a breed and should act as warning flags to those who love
the fjord breed.

For example: *When someone has a whole team of white faced (okay,
lines down the face) brown dun fjords, they are obviously breeding a
bad combination of mare and stallion.

*When a judge places a horse with a white blaze as the best
representation of a fjord weanling, going against Norwegian Standards,
than I believe it is time to start taking our confirmation standards

Other faults, less visible, aren't apparent to non-fjord or new fjord
people. But the degradation of that line has started and will continue
into future generations if unknowingly people are breeding bad
combinations just because they lack the knowledge or experience to
make an informed decision on a stallion.

Many people scrimp and save to acquire their first (2nd, 3rd, etc.)
fjord. At my house, 5 to 10 thousand dollars means the difference
between collage tuition loans, cars that run and vacations to places
that don't start with the phrase, "Dear Aunt and Uncle..."

I am thankful I have an honest and knowledgeable mentor to guide me
through all these hogwash so I don't have to hear "...well, it
shouldn't be there...but.....two would be paid for it, do what you would like."

Teresa Sanders
Sandpoint, Id

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