This message is from: "Teressa Kandianis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My Nina and Merit had unusually light coats this winter as well and even
though last winter was also very warm for us (though not as dry), their
coats were yaklike.  Since they were born in eastern washington where its
quite cold in the winter, I'm wondering if it has just taken this long to
acclimate to my warmer climate.

And, actually, the northwest's weather notwithstanding, the average temp
across the US this winter has been several degrees below normal.

Other strangeness, last winter in the Bering Sea, the ice edge was all the
way down to the shore of Dutch Harbor in the aleutians and the water temp
was quite cold while this winter, though it has been worse weather than
usual, the ice edge is unusually far to the north, none of the boats are
making ice, and the guys talk about walking out on deck in shirtsleeves and
being comfortable.  So the fish are all way off on the timing of their
winter migrations.  Whereas last year, the patterns were similar but all
earlier than usual.   And the salmon are showing a switch off in patterns
also - the Bristol Bay runs are declining from record highs - some to the
point of just achieving escapement while the depressed salmon runs of puget
sound were so good as to allow a fishery in Lake Washington.  Go figure.
Frankly, I'm still somewhat sceptical (though that would apply to everything
I read and hear) about a trend that has evidenced itself over a tiny sliver
of time since the last ice age.  I particularly like the endorsement by
phalanxes of M.D.'s of the dangers of global warming.  Those earth science
experts sure convinced me - not.  I request a second opinion.

And also off topic, I'm totally intrigued with the chat about JR's.  I
wonder how a JR would like being a companion to my four unruly mini

Well, must go, the gorgeous weather here in the great northwet has to wait
as I'm committed to cleaning my house and doing painting today.  Uhg.

Oh and back on topic.  My husband is also a non horse person - or was until
he saw his first fjord.  You should see him now.  They want for nothing.
Teressa K.

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