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Hello group.  I have been reading the posting for the last couple of months 
trying to pick up pointers for my first Fjord. I purchased a 1 1/2 yr Fjord 
near Alexanderia Minn. in Sept. I am truly amazed at these animals. Some that 
I have met, have a personality like dog. I grew up w/ and showed Quarter 
Horses. Never did i ever own a animal w/ so much character. They are truly a 
lovely animal.
I am looking into purchasing a harness. I am unsure if collar is better then 
breast? Any suggestions?? Looking to show at he local open shows. This is 
Quarter Horse Country here. There are some shows that state no draft horses, 
and I am curious if I was to drive in a collar harness if the Judge would 
reconiginze the breed, let alone not mistake my animal for a draft.
Also, looking to purchase a Show Halter. Any suggestions there? I am looking 
at Circle Y or having one made to his measurements. However, I am afraid that 
upon maturing in age and growth that he may not fit???
Does anyone here show at Open shows??  If so, how do Jugdes respond to the 
breed. In which classess do you enter that are not breed specfic?
I know I have asked alot of questions. But any help would be greatly 
Linda Syverson-Kerr

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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><FONT  SIZE=2>Hello 
group. &nbsp;I have been reading the posting for the last couple of months 
<BR>trying to pick up pointers for my first Fjord. I purchased a 1 1/2 yr Fjord 
<BR>near Alexanderia Minn. in Sept. I am truly amazed at these animals. Some 
<BR>I have met, have a personality like dog. I grew up w/ and showed Quarter 
<BR>Horses. Never did i ever own a animal w/ so much character. They are truly 
<BR>lovely animal.
<BR>I am looking into purchasing a harness. I am unsure if collar is better 
<BR>breast? Any suggestions?? Looking to show at he local open shows. This is 
<BR>Quarter Horse Country here. There are some shows that state no draft 
<BR>and I am curious if I was to drive in a collar harness if the Judge would 
<BR>reconiginze the breed, let alone not mistake my animal for a draft.
<BR>Also, looking to purchase a Show Halter. Any suggestions there? I am 
<BR>at Circle Y or having one made to his measurements. However, I am afraid 
<BR>upon maturing in age and growth that he may not fit???
<BR>Does anyone here show at Open shows?? &nbsp;If so, how do Jugdes respond to 
<BR>breed. In which classess do you enter that are not breed specfic?
<BR>I know I have asked alot of questions. But any help would be greatly 
<BR>Linda Syverson-Kerr</FONT></HTML>


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