This message is from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Another mostly lurker, surfacing to participate in the age and profile
thing. I'm 38, hubby is 42 and two girls, 11 and 9. I subscribe to the
digest from work, and forward relevant advice, stories, etc to the
family at home. I almost never go near the computer at home - too much
to do! I've learned so much from the list, really enjoy the jokes,
stories etc. I got inspired to take riding lessons by hearing from
others on this list. I thought I was too old to start such a thing -
silly me.

We have two 11 year old Fjord geldings, a saddle horse of undetermined
breed (transplanted southwestern ranch horse - mustang, perhaps), one
teeny black pony, sheep, goats, ducks, chickens, cats, dogs, guinea
pig and angora bunny. The Fjords are finally, after a very long break,
being handled and worked fairly consistently, preparing for being used
on the farm. My oldest daughter is riding Thor a little, bareback
until we get a saddle that fits.

Thor sometimes paws the ground, waiting for the hay to arrive. The
other day he was standing with his one foot stretched forward - he put
his other foot forward and did a cat-style stretch. Never saw a horse
do that before.

Thanks to all for a great list - gotta get back to work.

Candy, Ed, Erica and Samantha Sloma, Thor, Max, Taco, Billy, et al
Laughing Crow Farm, upstate NY

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