This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Of course the now snorty horse thought we were all nuts, and moved
>away again....SWING ! only stopping when the horse stopped. The first
>time I saw this I was amazed at how fast the horses figured out that
>if he / she just stood without fussing, moving or pulling back, no
>more noisy bags under his feet !

Suppose there is some way of training to lead using this method?

Well my overconfidence got the better of me and I went out in the
paddock with Storm this morning and "thought" I would lead him beside
me. Ha! He just bowed that little neck shifted gears and was off.
Rather than be dragged beside him, I let go. Hubby was watching and
said SELL that outfit and stick with that nice little Arab mare....who
incidently I took hold of and led at will all fuss or muss.
The "brat" is being given 6 cups of grain morning and night.....Which
we are cutting back starting tonight. The vets hereabouts think he
should be getting this grain....but that is ok as long as noone
handles him! He can be so sweet and then turn into
this...this....peyton! The worst of it is he can be so lovable,
demanding attention...but apparently on his terms. If I can't lead him
how am I ever going to ride him.. wahhhhh.....and he is getting
stronger every day. What are these halter- taking -off, knot- untying,
latch- undoing ,critters anyway? Much like my Tonkinese cats act
compared to a domestic. A totally different breed....a horse of a
different colour so to speak! Has anyone had this problem leading? and
when one is being pressured to sell and offered no help...what is one
to do? My shoulder was operated on a year ago and the last thing I
need is being jerked around. Oh me oh my I am beginning to sound like
a broken record....think I need a coffee....
Sue in N.B. (Desert Storm's mom)

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