This message is from: Storme Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I am a new Fjord owner, I purchased Jordan in late August and am still
learning stuff everyday about the breed.  I am so thankful for this list.

My question is this.....

I just moved barns, he was on 30 acres and receiving 2 flakes of grass
in the evening, plus LMF Supersupplements......he is now on a 1 acre
paddock, receiving 3 flakes of grass in the evening and 16 oz. of feed
in the am and the pm plus a scoop of supplement.  The feed and
supplement is 'Dynamite'.  We had to change things one because of the
move and two he lost a little too much weight the last 3 weeks at my old
barn.  He needs to put on a little weight and when he reaches his ideal
he will go back down to having feed only once a day.  

Is this ok?  I have heard so many stories and am worried that it might
be too much feed----
Does anyone on this list use a brand called 'Dynamite'?  I have seen
many horses on it and they are beautiful and healthy---one at my new
barn is a 35 year old leopard spot Appy---she/he is the one in the 'Easy
boot' Ads and looks like she/he is 18---20 years old, she/he still gets ridden.

I live in the Seattle area, my barn is in Kent.....also he was used to
coming in at night at my old barn, but now is outside 24/7.....he seems
fine with it.

Any insights would help me greatly.....

Thank you

Storme Lee

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