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I would like to say thank you all of the kind words everyone has
expressed over the loss of my horse. It means a great deal to me to
have that kind of support from friends.

My family and I continue to discuss the events leading up to Burt's
death. I have poured over countless articles and journals reading
about what could have potentially been the cause.

I have a Horseman's Vet Encyclopedia and have been reading through it
like mad. When I read through the section on shock and the section on
colic, I was astounded to see how the symptoms mirrored Burt's. As I
continued to read about colic on a website titled, again
all of the symptoms mirrored Burt's. I am inclined to think that it
was shock that took him down. All articles read stated that it is
usually shock that will kill before the colic actually does.

I know many of you suggested a necropsy, but we (my brother and I)
decided to not have it done. Hind sight says that maybe I should have.
At the time, my pocket book said I shouldn't.

I continue to read information that I feel might be relevant to what
the death might have been. I know that some of you have mentioned the
West Nile virus, and that is the next item I plan on exploring. (On a
side note, I do know that the magazine The Horse has run some articles
on it recently. That magazine is an excellent publication that deals
strictly with the health issues in the equine industry - I would
recommend it.) I am not quite sure about the enteritis theory though -
tubing him produced no reflux. It is all still so puzzling...

Again, thank you, all of you!

Brenda Simonson

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