This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yikes! Carol PLEASE don't throw those avocados on the heap. Make up a nice batch of Guacamole, put into pint sized freezer bags, (vacuum type best) and freeze. Enjoy! A note on guacamole: please do not add any "blando" anglo stuff (mayo or sour cream) to "stretch" it out,sounds like you have the makings of good guac w/o it. This is how I was taught to make it in Mexico: add as much fresh lime juice to taste as you want, salt, pepper, chili powder, little cayenne if you wish, and you can also add some fresh Pico de Gallo salsa. My other favorite recipe is: jump in a pool, have someone hand you a half of avocado (spoon optional), a few lime wedges & a salt shaker, and a nice cold one,(Corona, Tecate or Modelo). My favorite way to eat a avocado. My last suggestion is sauteeing them in butter w/ salt and pepper and of course, a hint of lime!

This message is from: carol j makosky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi to those in CA,
My very nice Aunt sent us some avocados.  So what do I do with them
 Surely some of you have a great recipe ..... most of
them just get tossed into the compost pile.  We can only eat so many.
I'll thank you in advance for any help here.

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