This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all -

I want to thank you all for the wonderfully supportive good wishes you sent
us for our trip to Mazatlan. That's Mazatlan, the paradise with no
"tourista," no scary bugs, no hurricanes, no jellyfish [did see one big
Manta Ray], no sharks, etc, etc...

So sorry to disappoint!

You will be pleased to learn that we did have one tiny earthquake that
lasted for about 30 seconds. Just took it easy, swam, found some wonderful
Huichol art, met some great Mexican folks, watched some live "futbol"
[soccer], and ate our way into larger sizes.

Mike, thanks ever so much for reminding me of my advanced age.

Ingrid, you beat me to the punch with your story about the 3 wise women. I
have to say, however, that Doug is a very evolved male and will ask
directions after only a small amount of prodding and screaming on my part.

I enjoyed catching up on all the news. One comment; I think "dreadnaughts"
are the small round objects that may fall while one is dealing with the

As a therapist, I will leave the turkey baster subject alone.

Well, off to commune with our very small herd of 4 - Silka, Sadie, Suki,
Sonny. We sure miss Pepper and Sillie Wille, but the three-times-daily
glowing reports we get from Fred help a lot. We have visitation rights every
other weekend....

Also hope to go over the river and through the snow to visit His Majesty at
boarding school today. He hates his uniform - especially the knickers and
the bow tie!

Feliz Navidad - Peg
PS - Norwegian is MUCH easier than Spanish!

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