This message is from: " Dave McWethy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As always it was great doing this expo with the experienced crew:  Dick, Sue
and Anthony Giargiari, Kurt, Barbara and Krystal Howard, Norma and Bill
Coli, and Ceacy Henderson, as well as Ceacy's young riders, and my young
helper Allyssa.  Barbara made wonderful Norwegian costumes for all of us.
We had overwhelming interest in the breed.  In front of the
stall at the booth we always had a crowd.

> As last year, Equine Affaire was a good time and a good chance to visit
> many friends.  I want to say right off that the organizers of EE are
super -
> Jinx Pomeroy and Deb Putnam in particular.
> They made every effort to be sure folks got what they needed.  I think
> folks, demonstrators, and breed groups all agreed on this.
> They are amenable to our organizing some rowdy sport stuff next year.  We
> need some indoor trials folks working on this.
> I arrived Thursday with two horses, a wagon and a cold.  On the later, I
> wheezed and coughed till Sunday, when, with the sun coming out I felt
> again.  The plan, as before, was to put my horses as leaders with Dick and
> Sue Giargiari's mares, and drive four in the evening Fantasia program.
> Friday it rained all day, so we had no chance to practice.  I hadn't
> these horses together since September, but they've always been an easy
> combination.  To digress, I might mention that I am the only one I know
> drives a four mare team.  All the well known teams are geldings.  Am I
> missing something?  Is this not supposed to be a mare activity?
> So we hitched up with no practice, and headed out into the night.  The
> part was driving through the huge stall barn, from one end to the other
> lined up with the other folks going into the arena.  We
> did this because of the mud by the arena entrance.  We waited there in the
> alleyway (not long fortunately).
> Then we went in.  I had asked the managers to turn the lights off (they
> dimmed them Fri and had them off Sat, and we came in with our horses
> decorated from head to tail with a string of tiny white Xmas lights, and
> some lights on the wagon.  Also we were costumed as Norwegians.  After we
> were in they raised the houselights.  It was well received.
> Saturday we did the same, except it was less frantic, actually quiet and
> competent, and fun.  We were followed both nights by Sue Giargiari,
> her other mares, three abreast to a forecart, with a foal running along
> side.  They got a lot of attention, too.  The only problem, which lent
> drama, was that the foal seemed like she was going to run in front of the
> trotting horses, where she would be trampled.  Her mother tried -
> successfully I guess - to nose her out of the way.
> After we unhitched and put the horses away, I ran back to watch the second
> half of the program.  One of the high points was seeing that the "mystery
> dressage rider" was in fact John Lyons!  He was dressed properly like -
> do
> you say it - "dressage queen" doesn't sound right - well, anyway, a male
> dressage rider.  Somebody commented that in Wyoming he, as cowboy,  might
> considered a cross dresser.  He rode a well trained horse, and with a
> who was well
> skilled at dressage.  He pulled it off pretty well.  He told me later he
> only first ridden dressage on Thursday - one practice!  After he rode, his
> son Josh rode also, in cowboy hat, and he did a very competent and
> impressive ride.  I give
> him a lot of credit for going beyond his area of expertise, and giving it
> legitimate (and respectful) try.  He spoke briefly about respecting other
> people's riding/driving disciplines.  On Saturday, after doing this, he
> came out with the next act, the Icelandics (still dressed in his dressage
> garb), and tolted his way high speed down the ring, holding the
> mug of beer (didn't spill any).  I hope there are some pictures of all
> I took some of the dressage outfit, and will try to get them to
> Jaye-Allision.   I gotta figure out how to use my own website one of these
> days.
> John was enthusiastic to have a second chance to drive our team, so on
> Sunday we went
> out to the back field where there was plenty of room.  As before, with a
> little practice, he was getting it right.  I'm selling my four-harness (to
> someone on the list), so I got him to autograph the lines for her!  We
> honored by his company, and as always, moved by his graciousness.  He is a
> special person as well as an inspirational trainer.
> I finally got around to the booths in the afternoon.  I had been to Laurie
> Neely's booth on and off the whole time.  She boldly laid the money down
> be there, not
> knowing how it would work.  She reports that it was successful and that
> can see ways to make it even better next year.  I enjoyed checking in with
> her through the weekend, and joining the CD-L gathering she organized on
> Sat.  I'll leave it to someone else to report on that.
> And then I bought a horse.  But that story's already been told.

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