This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, Mike, I'm still on the list and, yes, BDF Jason was the fox hunting 
fjord - since we have lived in Maine and there is no foxhunting here, I am 
using the past tense.

Checked with Mel and Jason and they don't remember riding with an Andalusian 
(warmbloods, thoroughbreds, a few Tennessee Walkers, an Arabian, ) so there 
must be another fox hunting Fjord out there.  According to the "fearless duo" 
a Fjord can make a great fox hunting horse providing he has the stamina and 
physical makeup of a "Jason" and the rider has the love of "pushing the 

They hunted with the Plum Run Hunt out of Gettysburg, PA - would love to hear 
from this other fox hunting Fjord and compare "notes" on the acceptance by 
the macho "I have to have the biggest, craziest horse in the Hunt" mentality."

On a different subject - we attended, as spectators, the Keuring in VT - what 
an education!!  We were so impressed on how much emphasis was put on 
performance and how well the 3 stallions performed in all phases.  The 
evaluators pointed out the pluses and minuses of each Fjord in such a 
positive manner that no one could take offense.  As for being a waste of time 
to take geldings ,if we can figure out how to get Jason micro chipped we will 
definitely be at the next closest one -   

Mel says he hopes each and every one of you has as close a bond with his/her 
Fjord as he enjoys with Jason in whatever discipline you have chosen.    As a 
Mainer would say "a Fjord is some kind of HOSS".

Joanne, Mel and BDF Jason
in Gray, Maine

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