This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 10:03 PM 10/14/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Hello list, this is Patty in Libby, MT. I just had to share the eye opening
>morining I had today. I have finally calmed down...... and as I opened the
>door to yell, a mountain lion jumped off the porch, with Harley in his
>mouth....... I looked down and the lion was close enough to touch......the
lion turned and ran in to the timber. After a trip to the vet,
>Harley seems to be doing fine. A few puncture bites, he is kind of stiff and
>sore. ... You always think it could never happen to you, but mother
>nature is still in control of her wild things. 

Patty!!! What a terrifying experience! So glad it ended well and you're all
intact. Thanks for sharing that story as I've become lax about taking my
pepper gas with me when I go afield here, beneath "Cougar Ridge." You can
bet I'll have it this week!

A few weeks ago we had a big black bear sow and her two cubs here "milking"
an old apple tree for remaining fruit, highly entertaining.  I video-taped
some of our Fjords calmly nearby, within the same view frame! Yes, they
were eating too =))

Hope you get rested up from your thriller-diller of a weekend!

Ruthie, NW MT too

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