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Hello list, this is Patty in Libby, MT. I just had to share the eye opening
morining I had today. I have finally calmed down and quit shaking to be able
to write this down. I work as may of you out there, at a very stressful job.
So on Saturday I take it as my time and sleep in, kind of recharge the ole
batteries, as it were. This morning I got up about 10:45, put the coffee on
and put my dog out. He is a mini pin named Harley, about 5 lbs., but he has
an attidute of a 90 lb. dobie. I finished my coffee and was getting ready to
head out side to do a few chores, play with Cymon, Dusties colt, work on a
fence ect...I heard a lot of racket on the back porch, banging on the back
door. I thaught Dharma our other dog was just playing a little rough with
Harley. I ran to the door to tell them to knock it off and as I opened the
door to yell, a mountain lion jumped off the porch, with Harley in his
mouth. I coulden't beleive it, I ran down the steps and ran after it,
screeming and yelling. He droped Harley, I ran up to grab him but the lion
turned, charged back and as I made a grab for the dog, the lion was faster
and had him in his mouth again. I kept yelling, diden't even faze him. The
only thing that saved him was we keep him on a chain, I grabed the chain and
gave a hard pull and yanked him out of the lions mouth. I looked down and
the lion was close enough to touch. But Dharma decided that was enough and
charged, the lion turned and ran in to the timber. After a trip to the vet,
Harley seems to be doing fine. A few puncture bites, he is kind of stiff and
sore. I called the Fish and game and they came up with dogs, but could not
track the cat, to dry. He figures it was a young one, not smart enough to
hunt larger game. If it had been a older cat Harley would have been dead on
the first bite. Said if it shows back up to shoot it. It really never hit me
what I did until a few hours later. I had a hard time going out the back
door with out a 12 guage in my hand. We have lived on this place for 15 yrs.
We always knew we had cats in the neighborhood. If you have whitetail deer
you have lions. You always think it could never happen to you, but mother
nature is still in control of her wild things. I think I will be watching
the bushes really close for a long time. Don't want to look to another one
eye to eye ever again. But I'm glad I still have my dog. Thanks for letting
me vent..Patty
P.S. All three of my Fjords were 50 feet away, diden't even bat an eye.

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