This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 03:29 AM 9/28/00 -0400, you wrote:
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just checked the NYS web page and Merek was right...the age is 14.

Yes it IS 14.  Here is a clip from the site:

New York's Vehicle and Traffic Law (Section 1265) and the General Business Law (Section 396-dd) went into effect the first week of January, 2000. Section 1265 requires that no person less than fourteen years of age shall ride a horse unless such person is wearing a helmet meeting or exceeding ASTM F1163 (Safety Equipment Institute Certified) Equestrian Standard. Summonses can be issued to a child's parent or guardian for violation of the law. ( A copy of the full law is available at the website Section 396-dd involves rental and lesson horses, and requires that providers of these services must provide helmets to riders less than fourteen years old and OFFER them to all riders, regardless of their age or experience. They must also provide "appropriate helmet safety information" to all riders. The enclosed pages contains some basic information which may be helpful to providers of rental and lesson horses. The New York State Horse Council does not make any guarantees that this information satisfies the requirements of the helmet law (General Businees law section 396-dd) or any other law, or that the use of this information will prevent a lawsuit or protect a horse provider from liability should a lawsuit be commenced. All horse providers are encouraged to consult with their own attorneys for legal advice concerning the requirements of the new law. Frequently asked questions about the history of the law and its interpretation are available from [EMAIL PROTECTED] , (George King, Chair of the Legislative Committee), or the New York State Horse Council's website, Questions about interpretation of the laws can be directed to Michelle Crew, Chair of the Legal Committee, at [EMAIL PROTECTED] More detailed information and copies of actual medical studies about helmets can be found at in the newsletter of the American Medical Equestrian Association. Specific questions about helmet fitting is supplied by the manufacturers of ASTM/SEI helmets with each helmet sold at retail, or directly from the manufacturers. A list of these is attached to this release. Questions about the ASTM standard and the SEI compliance system, or this release, may be directed to New York State Horse Council Safety Chairman Dru Malavase at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or at 2270 County Road 39 RD 2 Bloomfield, NY 14469. I can be reached at home at 716 657-7053 after 7:30 p.m. and on weekends


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

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