This message is from: Debby Stai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I think we've found out it is a persimmon tree/trees.  They are fairly common
around here and I've found a picture and the description is pretty on target.
Another Fjord owner on the list thought thats what it was and I have a just
found friend that does landscaping and has grown up here and he'll be able to
tell me.  Just by the look of Herberts manure, he probably only ate one, but
they are just now starting to ripen in fact many are still green, so don't
know if he'll acquire a taste.  We have deer on the property and if the pony
will leave the fruit alone I'd rather leave them for the deer as I've been
told they really like them.  We'd had wild plum and the pony left them alone.
None of the other horses have messed with them.  But the pony/horses come
first so if the trees have to go, they will.  The people we'd bought this
place from had horses and never mentioned the trees. I'm just hoping he ate
the one and decided he didn't like the taste.  They sure are a worry.
Thanks.  Debby

Denise's wrote:

> This message is from: "Denise's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> dear debbie,  maybe they are loquats.  is the leaf shaped like a long
> pointed oval and divided down the center?  where do you live?  how big is
> the fruit?  denise   glad to hear your boy is ok.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Debby Stai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2000 5:35 AM
> Subject: Update on Herbert pony
> > This message is from: Debby Stai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Herbert is fine, I'm sure it was this fruit.  If anyone can tell me what
> > they think it is and its affect on horses, maybe he just got a bad one.
> > If they are bad, then they'll have to come down, we got this place just
> > to be able to have the horses out, for them.  We have the nice house,
> > they get a nice safe pasture.  I took my husband out and we found a very
> > few ripe ones on the ground, most are still in the trees and still
> > green.  When ripe, its a very pretty orange.  Busted it open and it
> > smells just like an apricot, very sweet smelling, we didn't taste it,
> > with about six or so of these seeds in it.  The outside of the fruit is
> > a little fuzzy, not much.  Anyone know?  I'll have to research this
> > definetly before they start falling.  Any chance this taught the pony an
> > important lesson?  Thanks for any help.  Debby
> >
> >

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