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> I know many vets will not agree with this, but the horses that I 
> have 
> experience with that had been on the Strongid C daily program came 
> in my barn 
> all alike: dull coat with long hair, poor tone and blood and fecal 
> tests that 
> indicated a WORM LOAD despite this daily dose of wormer. 

They probably weren't doing it right.  You must follow the program
closely.  I have all of our horses on Strongid-C for several years and
all have nice shiny coats and repeated fecal exams have found absolutely
no parasites.

My vet says 
> giving a 
> daily dose of wormer is a good way to have worms that will be 
> resistant. Some 
> of the larvae will survive and be tougher to kill.

Not if used correctly.  You must understand that Strongid-C acts by
killing the larvae that the horse ingests not the adults in the
intestine.  Only the adults seem to have the ability to develop
resistance to dewormers, the larvae do not.  So if you first kill all the
adults with a good slug of Ivermectin, then you shouldn't have to worry
about resistance.

 Also, I am not 
> sure giving 
> a toxic substance everyday is a good thing for the horse's system. 

Who said it is toxic.  I'm not sure having parasite larvae migrate thru
the body is good for the system either.

Steve White
Waterloo, NE

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