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Wow, the list has been great lately!  All the info going back and forth has 
been wonderful.  I have a small problem with my horse...relatively minor 
compared to what you've been discussing.  He was shod a week ago and has been 
lame on his right hind ever since.  His feet have been pretty bad the last 
few shoeings, the weather has turned them dry and peeling.  I switched 
farriers hoping to find one that would work more on a schedule, rather than 
making me call him and play phone tag.  I also hadn't SEEN him shod in 3 
shoeings, I was appalled by his behaviour.  This was not my horse, jumping 
around and being stupid.  

Anyway, he was really sore on the left hind the next day, holding the foot 
above the ground, not putting weight on it.  I thought he might have injured 
a muscle or pulled something during his tantrum.  He also got cast the next 
day.  I thought that maybe he aggravated any soreness that was there to begin 
with.  So I put him on bute (which I don't like to use, but I don't mind 
doing a short term course of it).  It helped, but he stayed slightly off in 
the trot until yesterday.  He was back to being severely lame and not putting 
any weight on the leg.

I was thinking one of 3 things
pulled muscle
or the farrier pricked him

I called the farrier, he's coming out today to do the hoof tester thing and 
see if it's in the foot.  If not then we already have the vet arriving on 
Monday. question for the list is could it be anything else?  I 
don't have alot of experience with absesses, do they run that course of being 
better then worse?  I started hot soaking last night, just as a precaution.  
Should I add epsom salts?  ::sigh::  If it's not one thing it's another.  We 
were supposed to show this weekend, but I guess that's not gonna happen.  
Thanks in advance for any help.

Kate in CT
mom to Baldur

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