This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message is from Carol at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Hi List,
As a new member of the list I've been following all the threads with 
interest.  I'm training a 2 year old gelding, Duster, that I've had since the 
end of May, to drive.  He is my first Fjord.  Things are going well for a 
youngster, I believe, but what I'm encountering is "when he's good, he's very 
good"......"when he's bad he's horrid" kind of behavior.  Because of the bad 
behavior it's hard for me to tell when it's appropriate to go on to the next 
training step.  I always felt that if they did something right for two weeks 
move on.  Right now we are working on the long lines at a good strong, walk, 
trot, plus some cantering.  He reverses quite well at the walk trot and does 
figure 8's.  I was going to move to working around obstacles over the weekend 
and he simply refused to walk forward past one area of the training area!  
Arrrkkk I think, back to square one???  I worked 'til I got one success and 
stopped....and now I'm thinking now what??  The folks on the Fjord chat on 
Sunday night suggested he was bored, and to do shorter schooling 
sessions....hints would be appreciated and is this typical 2 year old Fjord 

Carol in Michigan, where it's been wet, humid and buggy....but wonderfully 
sunny and cool today. 

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