This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All -

Yes Jean, I did send a new black and white photo of Erlend in to the Herald
for this ad. We didn't have the prancing one that you see on the web site
yet. It was a pretty nice picture of him or I wouldn't have sent it. My son,
Don, took it on Easter Sunday. I don't know whether you have worked with any
programs like Adobe Photo Shop, etc, but after you scan a photo you can make
it bigger or smaller, but you have to be careful to keep the proportions the
same, or it gets distorted - squashed or stretched. If you want to see our
scanned copy of the original, I can email it privately, and you'll see what
I mean. And, yes, I can see why you don't think it's really a picture of
Erlend. It looks nothing like him, or like any other Fjord, for that matter.

But enough of this. I just got back from a beautiful trail ride. Only one of
the horses would ride across the 6-inch wide bottomless streams. The others,
including fearless Sadie who is pushing 15 hands high, had to be led.
Fortunately for everyone, all three snorters managed to escape imminent
death by making GIANT leaps over the yawning chasms. How impressive. I
presume that she will learn a less dramatic way to deal with such threats in
the future. She is getting more relaxed and sure-footed on the steep hills -
"You want me to go WHERE...?!"

Baby Willie keeps tantalizing us by revealing more bits of grey and black as
she begins to shed out. I sent her registration forms in as a brown,
however, and I still think she is. From the way she races around the
pasture, she must have dreams of the Triple Crown. Sure wish she had a
playmate, does anyone want to loan us a month-old foal?

Time to go change water. Bye, Peg Knutsen

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