This message is from: "Anneli Sundkvist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here in Sweden, there is a company that makes turn-out blankets for horses that 
suffer from sweet itch. The blankets cover the horses completly and the 
material is a water-proof and but 'breathes'. 

But, is there really a way to cure sweet itch? I thought that alltough the 
sickness only occur in certain environments (which is the reason why sweet itch 
is pretty common in Icelandic horses, but there are no cases in Iceland), it is 
a disease that is in the horse's genes. I think that Shetland pony stallions 
that suffers from sweet itch will have they breeding license withdrawn here. 



Anneli Sundkvist
Department of Archaeology & Ancient History
Uppsala University
St. Eriks Torg 5
S-753 10 Uppsala
Phone: +46-18-4712082 (dept.) +46-18-553627 (home)

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